Spring Premium LIVE Auction April 30th and Catalog Auction May 7th
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 5/8/2016
This scarce and seldom seen model 1950's Baseball card/Gumball machine was made by Oak Manufacturing Company for use in the USA and Belgium. The European distributor for Oak was Brabo located in Antwerp Belgium. The body size of the machine is 14 1/2" tall which is larger than the USA models which are 13" tall. It also has a special key cover for the top lock, which is not used for other models. Machine has been expertly restored to Mint Condition and is in excellent working order. Original one cent mechanism with vintage Premiere decal, and card weights. Key is included for the lock on the top for card and gumball re-stocking as well as the back door for coin removal. Insert coin - turn handle - a baseball card and gumball are dispensed. Presented in the front windows are four original 1956 Topps New York Yankees cards - Gil McDougald, Hank Bauer, Jim Konstanty and Elston Howard. Premiere and Brabo Belgium are embossed on the name plate above the gumball drop door. This a very unique and scarce model. Have only seen one other in the past 25 years.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $1,000.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $1,195.00
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Sunday, May 8, 2016.
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