Babe Ruth 100th Anniversary Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 7/19/2014
Babe Ruth used the baseball bat better than any other player, and did most of his damage with those large sticks of white ash. This collection of eight original wire photos show Ruth in various instances of swinging, holding or even showing other people how to swing the bat. And who wouldn’t listen to the Babe when he talks hitting? The photos range in size from 3 x 5.5 inches to 7 x 9 inches; some have editor’s grease pencil markings, and most contain original paper captions, photo credit and date stamps. Three images are of Ruth from his playing days, but all have issue regarding trimming, cutouts and or a torn lower half, but none affect Babe’s actual image. One of these is a Herman Seid photo, noted Pre-War photographer. One shows Ruth walking off the field (wearing a Cleveland Indians cap), with notes on reverse of “Babe Ruth after hitting a few”. Four others are post playing career with Ruth pointing out hitting tips. Total of eight Ruth baseball bat images, most in excellent condition.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $393.25
Number Bids: 10
Auction closed on Saturday, July 19, 2014.
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