Babe Ruth 100th Anniversary Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 7/19/2014
Baseball’s second commissioner, Happy Chandler proclaimed April 27, 1947, Babe Ruth Day throughout the major leagues. Nowhere would the Big Bam be more feted than in the house he built, Yankee Stadium. More than 58,000 packed the arena to see a wan, emaciated and raspy-voiced Ruth delivered barely audible heartfelt thanks to the adoring throng. Fourteen months later at the 25th Anniversary of Yankee Stadium’s inception, Ruth addressed the Yankee faithful from home plate for the final time. Head bowed toward right field, Ruth let the ovation wash over him. Two months later, August 16, Ruth died in his sleep. This ball may have been signed by Ruth during his final summer. He signed this now-mottled baseball on the sweet spot in black ink. The signature is evident but fading. The top panel of the ball has been inscribed (not by Ruth) with a date, “5-?-48,” which may or may not refer to the day Ruth signed the ball. Other horsehide panels contain fading inscriptions, including “8-17-45.” An LOA from PSA/DNA (#U07990) verifies the signatures’ authenticity.
Circa 1947 Babe Ruth Single-Signed Baseball
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $1,000.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $3,932.50
Number Bids: 16
Auction closed on Saturday, July 19, 2014.
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